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B grade armor

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 10:06 pm
by Silverfox
I'm toying with doing a clean set of armor for more "formal" events, and I wanted some opinions on if B grade is worth it. I don't know if anyone's been keeping an eye on the for sale/trade section of the legion boards, but MonCal is clearing out B grade stuffs. Fundage is tight, but it'd be nice to have a set, and he's got a few parts I need priced reasonably, so I was thinking about getting a combination of A & B together. Suggestions, opinions, ideas? :2c:

Re: B grade armor

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:30 am
by Harp42770
I guess it would mostly depend on just how "B-Grade" they are and if you would plan on fixing them up first. It would also depend on which set of armor you are really looking at. At least, that is my 2-cents.