New Discord Server: Michigan Galactic Senate

General discussion forum open to all registered members.
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Garrison XO
Garrison XO
Posts: 446
Joined: Thu May 29, 2008 12:09 pm
Legion ID: 8806
Location: Wixom, MI

New Discord Server: Michigan Galactic Senate

Post by masteroftheforce »

Hello Everyone!

We now have a Discord Server! Everyone is welcome, from the new recruits to the seasoned members of our sister clubs. Come join in the conversation and interact more real-time with all our members across the state.

Discord can be accessed via browser, installed directly on your computer, or as an app on your phone, whatever is your preference.

Here is the link to our server.

When a new user joins, it prompts them to select their affiliation(s), if any, then shows the rules page. So be sure to select the correct clubs.

If you are not yet a member of any clubs, that's fine! We welcome new recruits to join as well and share their build progress.

Once you join, please change your display name for this server to be First name Last Initial (Forum Name)

I look forward to seeing everyone over there.

Thank you!
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